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Yvernault, Martine.   Études Médiévales Anglaises 92 (2018): 73-94.
Explores the meaning of Chaucer's astrolabe and reflects upon medieval England and the English language.

Yvernault, Martine.   Médiévales 60 (2016): 229-37.
Explores issues of absence, death, exile, silence, orality, and musical performance in "Sir Orfeo" to find connections with FranT. Approaches "Sir Orfeo" as a reflection on how Chaucer depicts the professional art and artists and lay-makers in FranT.

Yvernault, Martine.   Médiévales 62 (2016): 498-512.
Studies how horse figures function in telling, traveling, and space definition in "Les quatre fils Aymon," "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, GP, SqT, and TC.

Yvernault, Martine.   Association des Médiévistes Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur 85 (Paris: Association des Médiévistes Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur, 2014), pp. 133-56.
Explores the connection among name, birth, and personal achievements. The study is based on "Lybeaus Desconus," but also draws on other medieval sources such as HF.

Yvernault, Martine.   Waël Rabadi and Isabelle Bernard, eds. Médiévales 51 (Amiens: Presses du Centre d'Etudes Médiévales, Université de Picardie--Jules Verne, 2012), pp. 368-86.
Focuses on the oriental influences on Chaucer's SqT and on his treatment of the marvelous in light of the medieval controversial approach to mechanisms.

Yvernault, Martine.   Claire Vial, ed. 'Gode is the lay, swete is the note': Résonances dans les lais bretons moyen-anglais / Echoes in the Middle English Breton Lays (2014): n.p. (web publication).
Although courtly love, magic, and supernatural situations make up the framework of FranT, the role played by binding agreements, contracts, and consent in the Tale alters the traditional definition of magic. Claims that fourteenth-century society was…

Yvernault, Martine.   Tatjana Silec, ed. Voix (et Voies) du Désordre au Moyen Âge. Volume Issu du Colloque du Centre d'Études Médiévales Anglaises de Paris-Sorbonne (22-23 Mars 2012). AMAES, no. 34. (Paris: Association des Médiévistes Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur, 2013), pp. 109-24
Explores the ambivalence of the forest in several examples, particularly ones drawn from KnT and BD.

Yvernault, Martine.   Anna Kukułka-Wojtasik, ed. Translatio i Literatura (Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2011), pp. 371-83.
This comparative study of the two texts, based on the same motif of the gathering of birds, aims at exposing the spiritual and moral differences of the works. The theological and philosophical intention in Attar has disappeared in Chaucer's treatment…

Yvernault, Martine.   Colette Stévanovitch, Elise Louviot, Philippe Mahoux-Pauzin, Dominique Hascoët, eds. La Formule dans la Littérature et la Civilisation de l'Angleterre Médiévale (Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy, Regards Croisés sur le Monde Anglophone, 2011), pp. 189-206.
Explores the type, use, and functions of formulas in Th, in relation to parody; in Mel, in dramatic form reinforcing allegory.

Yvernault, Martine.   Danielle Buschinger, ed. Médiévales, 48 (Amiens: Presses du Centre d'Études Médiévales, Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, 2010), pp. 179-87.
Comments on the relationship between narration and food in CT.

Yvernault, Martine.   Danielle Buschinger, ed. Médiévales, 11-12 (Amiens: Presses du Centre d'Études Médiévales, Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, 2010), pp. 443-53.
Includes introductory comments on displacement in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, specifically the meaning of travel in Chaucer.

Yvernault, Martine.   Catherine Royer-Hemet, ed. Canterbury: A Medieval City (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2010), pp. 137-59.
Analysis of Becket reliquaries made in Limoges, including commentary on the role of the city and its cathedral in Becket's experience and in CT (as an elusive destination).

Yvernault, Martine.   Clio (Toulouse) 30 (2009): 137-52.
Yvernault assesses Chaucer's ambiguous uses and rewriting of Boccaccio in ClT, especially in his treatment of Griselda.

Yvernault, Martine.   Bulletin des Anglicistes Médiévistes 72 (2007): 31-45.
Examines the interweaving of tenses and time sequences in the boxed-in structure of the narrative in BD.

Yvernault, Martine.   Eduardo Ramos-Izquierdo, ed. Seminaria 1--Les Espaces du Corps 1: Littérature (Mexico and Paris: RILMA2/ADEHL [Association pour le Développement des Études Hispaniques en Limousin]), 2007, pp. 9-26.
Focuses on the rich meanings and implications of fragment in PardPT.

Yvernault, Martine.   Colette Stévanovitch, ed. Marges/Seuils: Le liminal dans la littérature médiévale anglaise (Nancy: AMAES, 2006), pp. 197-208.
Yvernault explores the relationships among marginal spaces, architectural frames, sense, and self-assertion.

Yvernault, Martine.   Caietele Echinox 10 (2006): 358-73.
Analyzes the metaphors of space and architecture in relation to textual construction in TC.

Yvernault, Martine.   Colette Stévanovitch, ed. Marges/Seuils: Le liminal dans la littérature médiévale anglaise (Nancy: AMAES, 2006), pp. 209-24.
Yvernault focuses on the narrative imbalance in MilT caused by the intrusions of the margin through description of holes and through open and broken architectural structures.

Yvernault, Martine.   Colette Stévanovitch and Henry Daniels, eds. L'Affect et le jugement: Mélanges offerts à Michel Morel à l'occasion de son départ à la retraite, 2 vols. (Paris: AMAES, 2005), 2: pp. 563-71.
Yvernault explores various levels of the love discourse in PF in relation to the roles played by reflection and silence.

Yvernault, Martine.   Colette Stévanovitch,ed. L'Articulation langue-littérature dans les textes médiévaux anglais (Nancy: Association des Médiévistes Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur, 2005), pp. 191-215.
Posits that uncertainty and ambiguity are structuring stylistic techniques of Chaucer's descriptions in PF.

Yvernault, Martine.   Colette Stévanovitch, ed. L'Articulation langue-littérature dans les textes médiévaux anglais (Nancy: Association des Médiévistes Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur, 2005), pp. 229-46.
Yvernault explores the representation of space(s) and the problem of deconstruction in HF, focusing on the poem as textual architecture.

Yvernault, Martine.   Marie-Francoise Alamichel, ed. La complémentarité: Mélanges offerts à Josseline Bidard et Arlette Sancery à l'occasion de leur départ en retraite (Paris: AMAES, 2005), pp. 187-95.
Considers BD as a partition between the mythical and fictional worlds and reality, as a textual space of transition where poetic experience and real life are intertwined.

Yvernault, Martine.   Nolwena Monnier, ed. A l'horizon du Moyen-Age (Toulouse: Université Paul Sabatier, 2012), pp. 77-89.
Includes comments on Chaucer's use of the term "orisante."

Yvernault-Gamaury, Martine.   Colette Stévanovitch, ed. L'Articulation langue-littérature dans les textes médiévaux anglais, II. Actes du colloque des 25 et 26 juin 1999 á l'Université de Nancy II. Collection GRENDEL, no. 3. (Nancy: Publications de l'Association des Médiévistes Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur, 1999), pp. 175-92.
Though BD is highly structured, ambiguity pervades it, raising questions about the relationships between dreaming and writing, illusory experience and textual reality, and psychological emptiness and poetic fruition.

Yvernault-Gamaury, Martine.   Leo Carruthers, ed. Reves et propheties au Moyen Age. (London and New York: Longman, 1998), pp. 69-98.
Focuses on the function of reality and fiction in Chaucer's BD as influenced by Ovid, Boccaccio's "Amorosa visione," Guillaume de Machaut's "Dit de la Fonteinne Amoureuse," and "Jugement du roy de Behaigne."
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