Entendre des Voix: Réception et Perception dans Deux Lais Bretons Moyen-Englais ("Lay le Freine," "Sir Orfeo") et le "Franklin's Tale" de Chaucer.

Author / Editor
Yvernault, Martine.

Entendre des Voix: Réception et Perception dans Deux Lais Bretons Moyen-Englais ("Lay le Freine," "Sir Orfeo") et le "Franklin's Tale" de Chaucer.

Cercles 32 (2014): 90-107. Open access journal; available at http://www.cercles.com/n32/yvernault.pdf. Accessed February 10, 2022.

Explores relations among voice, genre, music, orality, and memorial transmission in "Lay le Freine," "Sir Orfeo," and FranT, including assessment of the ambiguities and Bahktinian polyphony of voices in the GP description of the Franklin's oral associations with food and in Sq-FranL and FranP.

Chaucer Subjects
Franklin and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations