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Sola Buil, Ricardo (J.)   SELIM: Journal of the Spanish Society for Mediaeval English Language and Literature 7: 161-80., 1997.
Chaucer expresses the dialectical tension between subject and history, between the inner and the outer self, between canon and parody in CT and TC. He represents this conflict through dramatic dialogue and theatrical performance, making the…

West, Michael D.   Chaucer Review 2.3 (1968): 172-87.
Contrasts MerT, PrT, and PardT with their respective analogues, contending that Chaucer's Tales are inconsistent in time, setting, and character motivation, reflecting "Chaucer's lack of concern for real people and real objects." Similarly in TC,…

Olfson, Lewy.   Boston, Mass.: Plays, 1964.
Twelve short dramas for oral reading, including a Modern English prose adaptation of CT (pp. 161-83) that retells portions of GP, KnT, WBT, NPT, and PardT, with narrative transitions between them. Designed for juvenile audience; reading time…

Vásquez, Nila.   Variants: The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship 7 (2008): 119-37.
Vásquez describes her assumptions and practices in producing a scholarly edition of "The Tale of Gamelyn," an outlaw narrative assigned to Chaucer's Cook in a number of manuscripts.

Collette, Carolyn P.   Susanna Fein and David Raybin, eds. Chaucer: Visual Approaches (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2016), pp. 244-68.
Examines the British illustrator and sculptor Elisabeth Frink's 1972 illustrated version (with nineteen etchings on copper plates) of Nevill Coghill's 1951 translation of CT. Analyzes several engravings and provides modernist visual interpretation of…

Armitage, Kenneth.   London: Jonathan Clark Fine Art, 2005.
Twenty-two b&w drawings (plus two cover illustrations) by Armitage accompany Urry's 1721 text of RvPT, with same-page modern poetic translation in by Nevill Coghill (1951). Each drawing has a title.

Spearing, A. C.   Susanna Fein and David Raybin, eds. Chaucer: Contemporary Approaches (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010), pp. 169-78.
Although Chaucer scholarship generally exaggerates the poet's learning, it seems to have missed his use of Huon de Méri's "Tornoiemenz" in LGWP. Scholarship also overemphasizes the visionary features of Chaucer's dream poems, while underestimating…

López, L. Luis.   L. Luiz López. Each Month I Sing (Grand Junction, Colo.: Farolito Press, 2008), pp. 133-34.
Lyric poem about a dream within a dream. An accompanying note mentions that both Langland and Chaucer "often described a dream within a dream."

Lynch, Kathryn L., ed.   New York: Norton, 2007.
Includes BD, HF, PF, LGW, Anel, ABC, Adam, MercB, Ros, Truth, Gent, Sted, Scog, Buk, and Purse, with a general preface, an introduction for each of the longer works, selected background works and critical assessments (focusing on the dream visions),…

Kruger, Steven.   Corinne Saunders, ed. A Concise Companion to Chaucer (Malden, Mass.; Oxford; and Victoria: Blackwell, 2006), pp. 71-89.
Kruger summarizes medieval dream theory and argues that Chaucer exploits "the complexities, ambiguities, and uncertainties of dreams, their causes, and their interpretation." Dreams pose interpretive problems in NPT and TC. As dream visions, BD, HF,…

Sola Buil, Ricardo J.   Luis A. Lazaro Lafuente, Jose Simon, and Ricardo J. Sola Buil,eds. Proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature (Madrid: Universidad de Alcala de Henares, 1996),pp. 261-65.
Questions whether Chaucer's deviations from traditional literary standards disguise or disclose personal messages.

Kruger, Steven F.   Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Analyzes medieval theory of dreams, tracing development from late antiquity to the late Middle Ages. In theory, in literature, and in life, dreams were regarded as both potentially deceptive and potentially illuminating. The work concentrates on…

Rouse, Margitta.   Nottingham Medieval Studies 64 (2020): 87-115.
Argues that Gavin Douglas's construction of Honour and Venus in the "Palyce of Honour," though misogynistic, constitutes a complex allegorical response to Chaucer's model of literary renovation in the HF.

Koff, Leonard Michael.   Nancy van Deusen, ed. Cicero Refused to Die: Ciceronian Influence through the Centuries (Boston: Brill, 2013) , pp. 65-83.
Explores how Chaucer's adaptations in PF of Macrobius's Neoplatonic commentary on Cicero's "Dream of Scipio" anticipate "the humanist recovery of Ciceronian ideals," particularly the "ideal of marriage and mating as civic duty" and the "possibility…

Karpinski, Agnes.   Bernard Dieterle and Manfred Engel, eds. Historizing the Dream/Le rêve du point de vue historique (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2019), pp. 93-118.
Assesses relations between dreams and determinism (fate, providence, and prophecy) in three medieval narratives: Kriemhild’s dream in the "Nibelungenlied," the dreams in" Der Nonne von Engeltal Büchlein von der Gnaden Überlast," and Chanticleer's…

Dunai, Amber Rose.   Dissertation Abstracts International A77.03 (2015): n.p.
Considers BD in a larger survey of dream visions, with particular attention to "connections [to] the conventions of medieval mystical texts."

Corsa, Helen Storm.   American Imago 27 (1970): 52-65.
Argues in Freudian terms that dreams in TC disclose psychological aspects of the characters. Criseyde's dream (II, 925-31), added by Chaucer to his source, Boccaccio's "Filostrato," indicates her desire for ravishment and marks her early submission…

Sharma, Govind Narayan.   Indian Journal of English Studies 6 (1965): 1-18.
Describes medieval dream psychology, both medical and Macrobian, and summarizes the realism of dreams as narrative frame in Chaucer's dream visions (BD, HF, PF, and LGWP) and as device of characterization and dramatic irony when dreams are otherwise…

Hacking, Ian.   Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 : 245-60, 2001.
Hacking describes cultural assumptions about dreams in Western tradition (biblical, Cartesian, Freudian, etc.), noting especially dreams' presumed separation from "reality" and the complexities of their relationships with narrative. He briefly…

Kruger, Steven F.   Dissertation Abstracts International 49 (1989): 2651A.
Kruger investigates the ambivalent nature of dreams in light of various classical and medieval dream theories, as well as actual accounts of dreams. The "middle vision," neither divine nor satanic, figures in Langland, Nicole Oresme, and Chaucer (BD…

Spearing, A. C.   Mary-Jo Arn, ed. Charles d'Orlans in England, 1415-1440 (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2000), pp. 123-44.
Compares Charles's "Fortunes Stabilnes" with James I's "Kingis Quair," focusing on their dream visions and the narrators' responses to dreams. James's poem is more distinctly Chaucerian in its political and philosophical implications, while Charles's…

Smith, Nathanial B.   DAI A69.10 (2009): n.p.
Considers dream visions in the works of Chaucer and his successors (Hoccleve, Lydgate, Skelton, and Spenser), arguing that these dreams break down "binary" notions, including those of body/mind, gender, and text/reader.

Lenz, Tanya S.   Turnhout: Brepols, 2014.
Highlights prominent connections among dreams, medicine, and literature in Chaucer's poetry. Argues that dreams and medicine are integral aspects of Chaucer's works and that the poet shows how they can be experienced through literature to bring…

Hale, David G.   Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 9 (1988): 47-61.
In Chaucer and other fourteenth-century writers, dreams often prompt the dreamers to try to assert intellectual control over their mysterious experience by classifying the possible causes or truth values of dreams. Earlier classifications of this…

Bickley, John T.   DAI A74.10 (2014): n.p.
In context of a larger study of dream visions, uses HF as an example of the ironic dream vision, arguing that it treats authority ironically, whereas other dream visions (e.g., Macrobius on Scipio, Julian of Norwich's mystical visions) offer other…
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