
Author / Editor
Scala, Elizabeth.


Marion Turner, ed. A Handbook of Middle English Studies (Chichester: Wiley, 2013), pp. 49-62.

Argues that "Desire-as-impasse is the human condition" in KnT, exploring how readers' "reading backward" from the end of the tale—seeking to fulfill the "desire for signification"—parallels the efforts of Arcite and Palamon to articulate their own desires and in doing so call the desires into existence in Lacanian fashion. Includes comments on rhyme riche echoes between two meanings of "armes" (limbs and weapons), manuscripts variants in Arcite's desire for "victorie," and Arcite's awareness of Emelye's desires.

Alternative Title
A Handbook of Middle English Studies

Chaucer Subjects
Knight and His Tale
Language and Word Studies
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Style and Versification