Diachronic Speech Act Analysis : Insults from Flyting to Flaming

Author / Editor
Jucker, Andreas H., and Irma Taavitsainen.

Diachronic Speech Act Analysis : Insults from Flyting to Flaming

Journal of Historical Pragmatics 1: 67-95, 2000.

Anatomizes numerous examples of insults in English, from Unferth's challenge of Beowulf to "flaming" in e-mail communication, including examples from SNT, exchanges between the Host and the Cook, and exchanges between the Host and the Pardoner in CT. The perlocutionary effects of insults in saints' lives are highly conventionalized, while other examples from Chaucer are less "rule-governed."

Taavitsainen, Irma.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies.
Cook and His Tale.
Second Nun and Her Tale.
Pardoner and His Tale.