Henry Bradshaw's Rhyme Tests and the Formation of the Chaucer Canon: The Glasgow "Romaunt of the Rose" and the "Tale of Gamelyn."
- Author / Editor
- McKee, Conor.
Henry Bradshaw's Rhyme Tests and the Formation of the Chaucer Canon: The Glasgow "Romaunt of the Rose" and the "Tale of Gamelyn."
- Published
- Chaucer Review 57 (2022): 273-301.
- Description
- Contains archival evidence and unpublished papers from Henry Bradshaw. Examines Bradshaw's "rhyme tests," which he used to establish Chaucerian authorship of the "Tale of Gamelyn" and Rom, and accounts for Walter W. Skeat's sometimes incorrect results.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Romaunt of the Rose
Chaucerian Apocrypha
Style and Versification
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations