On Truth, "Pietà," and Reader Response to Dante's "Purgatory" 10 and Chaucer's "House of Fame 1."
- Author / Editor
- Livne, Shachar.
On Truth, "Pietà," and Reader Response to Dante's "Purgatory" 10 and Chaucer's "House of Fame 1."
- Published
- Studies in Philology 118 (2021): 605-30.
- Description
- Contrasts the hermeneutics of ekphrastic scenes in "Purgatorio" and HF: the viewing by Dante's viator of bas-reliefs in the first cornice of Purgatory (X.25ff.) encourages emotional detachment when searching for truth in art; Geffrey’s compassion when viewing the murals on the walls of Venus's temple in HF (140ff.) "is precisely what prompts him to reject such representations and search for truth elsewhere."
- Chaucer Subjects
- House of Fame
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Style and Versification