Chrematistische Poetik: Mentale Haushaltsführung in Geoffrey Chaucers "Traumvisionen."
- Author / Editor
- Keller, Wolfram R.
Chrematistische Poetik: Mentale Haushaltsführung in Geoffrey Chaucers "Traumvisionen."
- Published
- Iris Därmann and Aloys Winterling, eds. Oikonomia und Ökonomie im klassischen Griechenland: Theorie--Praxis--Transformation (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2022), pp. 157-73.
- Description
- Argues that HF depicts a journey through the mental operation of using traditional classical material to generate new literature (tidings) and, in doing so, reflects aspects of late medieval understanding of psychology and economics. Crucial to the latter is a shift from the model of household maintenance to that of chresmatistic mercantile expansion, which depends upon dislocation, multiplication, even unnatural usury—in various ways analogous to imagination rather than memory.
- Contributor
- Därmann, Iris, ed.
Winterling, Aloys, ed.
- Alternative Title
- Oikonomia und Ökonomie im klassischen Griechenland: Theorie--Praxis--Transformation
- Chaucer Subjects
- House of Fame
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations