"A Familiar Vois and Stevene": Hearing Voices in Chaucer's Dream Visions.

Author / Editor
Neufeld, Christine M.

"A Familiar Vois and Stevene": Hearing Voices in Chaucer's Dream Visions.

Studies in the Age of Chaucer 44 (2022): 93-132.

Examines auditory cognition in BD, PF, and HF, attending particularly to “janglynge” and related concepts. BD illustrates differences between hearing and listening, while PF records a "paradigm shift" from seeing to listening, and HF reflects Chaucer's "sense of the partiality of his own poetic voice, dependent as it is on the collaboration of his auditor to come into being." Attends to noise, gossip, voice, animal sounds, acousmatic sound and reading, transduction, listening "modalities," and theories of aurality.

Chaucer Subjects
Book of the Duchess
Parliament of Fowls
House of Fame