"His robe was of syklatoun": Prächtige Stoffe in den Mittelenglischen Romanzen. Ornamental oder Bedeutungsvoll?

Author / Editor
Reichl, Karl.

"His robe was of syklatoun": Prächtige Stoffe in den Mittelenglischen Romanzen. Ornamental oder Bedeutungsvoll?

Peter Glasner, ed. Ästhetiken der Fülle (Berlin: Schwabe, 2021), pp. 319-25.

Comments on the history and nuances of "syklatoun" as a kind of sartorial cloth used parodically in Th, a prelude to discussing the implications of clothing in "Emaré" as a popular romance.

Glasner, Peter, ed.

Alternative Title
Ästhetiken der Fülle

Chaucer Subjects
Tale of Sir Thopas
Language and Word Studies