England and the Jews: How Religion and Violence Created the First Racial State in the West.

Author / Editor
Heng, Geraldine.

England and the Jews: How Religion and Violence Created the First Racial State in the West.

New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Physical Description
116 pp.

Cambridge Elements: Elements in Religion and Violence

Includes comparison of PrT with sources and analogues: the Anglo-Norman Hughes de Lincoln and two accounts--"The Child Slain by Jews" and "The Jewish Boy"--found in the Vernon manuscript. Analyzes the stories' various contributions to the racialization of England, arguing that PrT "conjures England as a new kind of space where Christians are a population ‘ycomen of Cristen blood’--a de facto race whose time had come, in a post-expulsion land."

Chaucer Subjects
Prioress and Her Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations