"Substaunce into Accident": Transubstantiation and Relics in Chaucer's "Pardoner's Tale."
- Author / Editor
- Greene, Darragh.
"Substaunce into Accident": Transubstantiation and Relics in Chaucer's "Pardoner's Tale."
- Published
- Religion & Literature 54 (2022): 141-62.
- Description
- Focuses on CT and PardT, specifically. Discusses the Pardoner's fabrication of relics and the "preposterous" transformation of "accident into substance," a reversal of the trope used in PardT, the narrative voice in both GP and PardT, and deception and fakery in HF.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Pardoner and His Tale
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
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