Becoming England: The Northumbrian Conversion in Trevet, Gower, and Chaucer.

Author / Editor
Hurley, Mary Kate.

Becoming England: The Northumbrian Conversion in Trevet, Gower, and Chaucer.

Translation Effects: Language, Time, and Community in Medieval England. Interventions: New Studies in Medieval Culture (Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 2021), pp. 125-50.

Interventions: New Studies in Medieval Culture

Assesses the "temporally heterogeneous portrayals of an emerging sense" of "Engelond" in the scenes of Saxon conversion in the Constance narratives of Trevet's "Cronicles," Gower's "Confessio Amantis," and MLT. These scenes are "sites where the power of linguistic difference to form community becomes a central concern."

Alternative Title
Translation Effects: Language, Time, and Community in Medieval England

Chaucer Subjects
Man of Law and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations