Chaucer and the Fantasy of Retroactive Consent.
- Author / Editor
- Schwebel, Leah.
Chaucer and the Fantasy of Retroactive Consent.
- Published
- Studies in the Age of Chaucer 44 (2022): 337-45.
- Description
- Explores aspects of sexual consent and non-consent in RvT--particularly Malyne's romanticizing of Aleyn's assault--linking them with Augustine's comments on Lucretia in "De civitate Dei," modern notions of "retroactive consent," and the Chaucer life records that pertain to Cecily Chaumpaigne. For response, see Lynn Shutters“Response to Leah Schwebel and Jennifer Alberghini.” SAC 44 (2022): 359-60.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Reeve and His Tale
Chaucer's Life