Emotions and War in Chaucer's "Knight's Tale."
- Author / Editor
- Radulescu, Raluca L.
Emotions and War in Chaucer's "Knight's Tale."
- Published
- Claire McIlroy and Anne M. Scott, Literature, Emotions, and Pre-Modern War: Conflict in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Leeds: Arc Humanities, 2021), pp. 45-63.
- Description
- Investigates the restless "emotional movement" of "roaming" in KnT, as expression of both confined frustration and openness to new adventures enacted by Palamon, Emelye, and Arcite. Compares Chaucer's depictions of these movements and emotions with those found in Boccaccio's "Teseida," and compares Emelye's roaming with Dorigen's in FranT, Constance's in MLT, and Hypsipyle's in LGW.
- Contributor
- McIlroy, Claire, ed.
Scott, Anne M., ed.
- Alternative Title
- Literature, Emotions, and Pre-Modern War: Conflict in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
- Chaucer Subjects
- Knight and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Legend of Good Women
Man of Law and His Tale
Franklin and His Tale