"What is this world?": Chaucer, Realism and Metaphysics.

Author / Editor
Greene, Darragh.

"What is this world?": Chaucer, Realism and Metaphysics.

Garry L. Hagberg, ed. Literature and Its Language: Philosophical Aspects (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), pp. 149-71.

Explores the question of what Chaucer "holds to be the nature of reality," focusing on "the metaphysics of beauty" in PF, the "nature of the rocks" in FranT, and the "ontology of narrative itself" in NPT, and showing that "Chaucer’s sensate faith in and appreciation of the reality of things underpins the characteristic attention to everyday detail evident in his poetry."

Hagberg, Garry L., ed.

Alternative Title
Literature and Its Language: Philosophical Aspects

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Style and Versification
Parliament of Fowls
Franklin and His Tale
Nun's Priest and His Tale