Reading at the Seams in "Titus Andronicus": Shakespeare's "House of Fame" and Its Virgilian-Ovidian-Chaucerian Resonances.
- Author / Editor
- Reid, Lindsay Ann.
Reading at the Seams in "Titus Andronicus": Shakespeare's "House of Fame" and Its Virgilian-Ovidian-Chaucerian Resonances.
- Published
- Comparative Drama 55 (2021): 211–33.
- Description
- Focuses on depictions of Dido in HF and in Shakespeare's "Titus," arguing that "Shakespeare found in Chaucer's "House of Fame" a medieval vernacular model for . . . [the] Virgilian-Ovidian hybridity" of the character, and showing that the two works share "thematic strands," including reputation, rumor, imperial authority, and the "weight of textual authority."
- Chaucer Subjects
- Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion