Reading at the Seams in "Titus Andronicus": Shakespeare's "House of Fame" and Its Virgilian-Ovidian-Chaucerian Resonances.

Author / Editor
Reid, Lindsay Ann.

Reading at the Seams in "Titus Andronicus": Shakespeare's "House of Fame" and Its Virgilian-Ovidian-Chaucerian Resonances.

Comparative Drama 55 (2021): 211–33.

Focuses on depictions of Dido in HF and in Shakespeare's "Titus," arguing that "Shakespeare found in Chaucer's "House of Fame" a medieval vernacular model for . . . [the] Virgilian-Ovidian hybridity" of the character, and showing that the two works share "thematic strands," including reputation, rumor, imperial authority, and the "weight of textual authority."

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion