Has the Absurd in the "Wife of Bath's Tale" Been Solved?: With Special Reference to the Citation of Classical Works.
- Author / Editor
- Kano, Koichi.
Has the Absurd in the "Wife of Bath's Tale" Been Solved?: With Special Reference to the Citation of Classical Works.
- Published
- The Society for Chaucer Studies and Koichi Kano, eds. To the Days of Studying Medieval English Literature: Essays in Memory of Professor Tadahiro Ikegami (Tokyo: Eihosha, 2021), pp. 69-86.
- Description
- Interprets WBT as a story in which the knight finally accepts the absurdity caused by himself, persuaded by the old woman’s words citing classical works. In Japanese.
- Alternative Title
- To the Days of Studying Medieval English Literature
- Chaucer Subjects
- Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations