Has the Absurd in the "Wife of Bath's Tale" Been Solved?: With Special Reference to the Citation of Classical Works.

Author / Editor
Kano, Koichi.

Has the Absurd in the "Wife of Bath's Tale" Been Solved?: With Special Reference to the Citation of Classical Works.

The Society for Chaucer Studies and Koichi Kano, eds. To the Days of Studying Medieval English Literature: Essays in Memory of Professor Tadahiro Ikegami (Tokyo: Eihosha, 2021), pp. 69-86.

Interprets WBT as a story in which the knight finally accepts the absurdity caused by himself, persuaded by the old woman’s words citing classical works. In Japanese.

Alternative Title
To the Days of Studying Medieval English Literature

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations