Samuel Johnson's Literary Ardour: Geoffrey Chaucer in the Eighteenth Century.
- Author / Editor
- Harada, Noriyuki.
Samuel Johnson's Literary Ardour: Geoffrey Chaucer in the Eighteenth Century.
- Published
- Geibun-Kenkyu 123 (2022): 46-59.
- Description
- Argues that Johnson's perfunctory references to Chaucer reflect the former's view of the latter not as an excellent "English" poet but as one who successfully transmitted literature from the Continent into Britain. Considers possible reasons Johnson had a plan to compile an edition of Chaucer's works around the close of his life in relation to some eighteenth-century characteristics of Chaucerian reception. In Japanese.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations