A New Companion to Critical Thinking on Chaucer.

Author / Editor
Batkie, Stephanie L., Matthew W. Irvin, and Lynn Shutters, eds.

A New Companion to Critical Thinking on Chaucer.

Leeds: Arc Humanities Press, 2021.

Physical Description
xx, 348 pp.

Collects twenty essays about thematic terms and concepts in Chaucer's works, arranged in groups of four, each group including an additional response essay. Opens with a foreword by Christopher Cannon, followed by an explanatory introduction by the editors, with four appendices (Summaries of Chaucer's Works, Additional Terms, Coverage by Term, and Coverage by Work) and a comprehensive index. Part 1: "Consent/Assent" by Fiona Somerset; "Entente" by Candace Barrington; "Pite" by Glenn D. Burger; "Slider" by David Raybin; Response by Ardis Butterfield. Part 2: "Merveille" by Tara Williams; "Virginite" by Sarah Salih; "Swiven" by Helen Barr; "Craft" by Bruce Holsinger; Response by Simon Horobin. Part 3: "Vertuby Holly A. Crocker; "Wal" by Marion Turner; "Thing" by Steele Nowlin; "Blak" by Cord J. Whitaker; Response by Carolyn Dinshaw. Part 4: "Auctorite / Auctour" by R. D. Perry; "Seculere" by Catherine Sanok; "Flesh" by Richard H. Godden;
"Memorie" by Ruth Evans; Response by Andrew Cole.

Irvin, Matthew W. Irvin, ed.
Shutters, Lynn, ed.
Caannon, Christopher.
Somerset, Fiona.
Barrington, Candace.
Burger, Glenn D.
Raybin, David.
Butterfield, Ardis.
Williams, Tara..
Salih, Sarah.
Barr, Helen.
Holsinger, Bruce.
Horobin, Simon.
Crocker, Holly A.
Turner, Marion Turner.
Nowlin, Steele.
Whitaker, Cord J.
Dinshaw, Carolyn.
Perry, R. D.
Sanok, Catherine.
Godden, Richard H.
Evans, Ruth.
Andrew, Cole.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Bibliographies, Reports, and Reference
Language and Word Studies