"The Parlement of Foules" and Lionel of Clarence.

Author / Editor
Seaton, Ethel.

"The Parlement of Foules" and Lionel of Clarence.

Medium Ævum 25 (1956): 168-74.

Argues that complex acrostic anagrams in PF reveal that it was written on the occasion of negotiations for a marriage between Lionel of Clarence and Violanta Visconti; identifies French analogues to this intricate practice, and helping to date Chaucer's poem. Also finds the names "Henry Bolingbroke" and "Mary Bohun" embedded in "Chaucer's Complaint to His Purse."

Chaucer Subjects
Style and Versification
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Parliament of Fowls
Chaucer's Complaint to His Purse