"The Parlement of Foules" and Lionel of Clarence.
- Author / Editor
- Seaton, Ethel.
"The Parlement of Foules" and Lionel of Clarence.
- Published
- Medium Ævum 25 (1956): 168-74.
- Description
- Argues that complex acrostic anagrams in PF reveal that it was written on the occasion of negotiations for a marriage between Lionel of Clarence and Violanta Visconti; identifies French analogues to this intricate practice, and helping to date Chaucer's poem. Also finds the names "Henry Bolingbroke" and "Mary Bohun" embedded in "Chaucer's Complaint to His Purse."
- Chaucer Subjects
- Style and Versification
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Parliament of Fowls
Chaucer's Complaint to His Purse