Chaucer and "Le Roman de Troyle et de Criseida."

Author / Editor
Pratt, Robert A.

Chaucer and "Le Roman de Troyle et de Criseida."

Studies in Philology 53 (1956): 509-39.

Suggests that the "main source" of TC "may have been" Beauvau's "Le Roman de Troyle et de Criseida," a French prose translation of Boccaccio's "Filostrato." Compares 300+ brief quotations (in all three languages), commenting on verbal and structural relations and arguing, tentatively, that the data not only indicate Chaucer's "approximately equal indebtedness," to the two Continental works but also "tip the balance" in favor of accepting the French work as a "significant volume in Chaucer's library."

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations