"The Wife of Bath's Tale: From the Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer."
- Author / Editor
- Linney, Romulus.
"The Wife of Bath's Tale: From the Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer."
- Published
- In Norman Bailey, Romulus Linney, and Dominick Cascio. Radio Classics (Minneapolis: Burgess, 1956), pp. 102-09.
- Description
- Adaptation of WBT in archaized modern English prose as a script for presentation as a radio drama, with seven characters (King, Queen, The Young Knight, Old Woman, 1st Woman, 2nd Woman, and Wife of Bath as voice-over narrator). Duration: "Approximately 15 Minutes." Includes recurrent suggestions for laughter, background noises, and music; omits gentility speech.
- Alternative Title
- Radio Classics.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations
Recordings and Films