Between the Normative and the Performative: Sex, Parody, and Other (In)tractable Issues in Geoffrey Chaucer’s "Miller's Tale."
- Author / Editor
- Popescu, Dan Nicolae.
Between the Normative and the Performative: Sex, Parody, and Other (In)tractable Issues in Geoffrey Chaucer’s "Miller's Tale."
- Published
- Messages, Sages, and Ages: The Bukovinian Journal of Cultural Studies 3.2 (2016): 31-35.
- Description
- Maintains that Chaucer uses parody to critique discrepancies between Christian ideals and human realities, exploring ways that sexual activities and descriptions in MilT, an earthy fabliau, parody the courtly ideals of KnT, an idealized romance. Through MilT, Chaucer challenges courtly ideals and "doctrinal inflexibility."
- Chaucer Subjects
- Miller and His Tale
Knight and His Tale