The Lyric Art of Chaucer: Songs and Letters in "Troilus and Criseyde."

Author / Editor
İplіkçі Özdenі, Ayşenur.
[Iplikci Ozdeni, Aysenur].

The Lyric Art of Chaucer: Songs and Letters in "Troilus and Criseyde."

Artuklu Human and Social Science Journal 4.1 (2019): 26-33.

Analyzes the songs and letters embedded in TC as lyric forms that function "in several senses such as means of self-expression of characters--their bliss or afflictions, fundamental communication tools of characters, mediums that assure secrecy in terms of court literature and instruments representing both human love and eternal love." Comments on similar lyrics moments in stories of Troilus and Criseyde by Boccaccio, Henryson, and Shakespeare. Includes an abstract in Turkish as well as English.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde
Style and Versification
Lyrics and Short Poems
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations