Medieval Studies in Troubled Times: The 1930s.

Author / Editor
Wallace, David.

Medieval Studies in Troubled Times: The 1930s.

Speculum 95.1 (2020): 1-35.

Discusses pre-World War II state of medieval studies, its pro-Germanic/Nordic focus, and the academy's anti-Mediterraneanism. Argues that this period saw significant changes in the field, including a shift toward more interdisciplinary approaches and a renewed interest in the social and political contexts of medieval texts. Illustrates hostility toward Italian literature with references to C. S. Lewis's essay "What Chaucer Really Did to Il Filostrato." Brief reference to SqT (Chaucer's description of the Squire as an expert in "chyvachie").

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Troilus and Criseyde
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Squire and His Tale