Female Consent and Affective Resistance in Romance: Medieval Pedagogy and #MeToo.

Author / Editor
Torres, Sara V., and Rebecca F. McNamara.

Female Consent and Affective Resistance in Romance: Medieval Pedagogy and #MeToo.

New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy & Profession 2.1 (2021): 34-49

Offers pedagogical strategies for confronting "literary representations of sexual violence" in a range of medieval romances and novelle within story collections, including KnT; FranT; and works by Malory, Boccaccio, Gower, and Marguerite de Navarre. Includes “reading approaches, discussion prompts, assignments, and critical contexts” intended “to position students as critical co-investigators."

McNamara, Rebecca F.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Knight and His Tale
Franklin and His Tale