Universalizing Doublets in Middle English Verse: Chaucer and Romance

Author / Editor
Mattison, Julia.

Universalizing Doublets in Middle English Verse: Chaucer and Romance

Medium Aevum 90.1 (2021): 24-50.

Analyzes Chaucer's "universalizing doublets," such as "up and doun," with those appearing in the Auchinleck Manuscript to suggest that Chaucer was not simply
imitating the diction of medieval romance: his usage mirrors that of Middle English generally. While often used to fill out a line of verse, universalizing doublets can also be substantive; for example, the use of "up and doun" and "to and fro" in KnT underscores its Boethian themes of cycles and mutability.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies
Style and Versification
Knight and His Tale