Verba Vana: Empty Words in Ricardian London.

Author / Editor
Ellis, Robert.

Verba Vana: Empty Words in Ricardian London.

Ph.D. Dissertation. Queen Mary, University of London, 2012. Open access at (accessed January 30, 2023).

Physical Description
2 vols.; continuous pagination.

Volume 1 examines various concerns with vacuous, misleading, and/or oblique language in bureaucratic and literary texts produced in London during the reign of Richard II, including discussion of CkT, ManT, and SqT for the ways they depict anxieties about the reliability of communication, with attention to analogous works and those with similar themes. Volume 2 comprises texts and translations of bureaucratic works discussed in volume 1.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Language and Word Studies
Cook and His Tale
Squire and His Tale
Manciple and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations