What Is a Woman? Enclosure and Female Piety in Chaucer's "Knight's Tale."

Author / Editor
Magnani, Roberta,
McAvoy, Liz Herbert

What Is a Woman? Enclosure and Female Piety in Chaucer's "Knight's Tale."

Studies in the Age of Chaucer 42 (2020): 311-24.

Posits a "radical revisioning of canon formation . . . made possible by positioning women as queering agents," and discloses the "female-coded discourses of spirituality and literacy embedded" in KnT. Reads the romance against "The Booke of Gostlye Grace," arguing that the characterizations, actions, and imagery of KnT ground it in female-coded enclosed nourishment that resists "male-coded necrophilics."

Chaucer Subjects
Knight and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations