Geoffrey Chaucer in Context.

Author / Editor
Johnson, Ian, ed.

Geoffrey Chaucer in Context.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Physical Description
xvi, 481 pp.; 18 b&w illus.

Includes fifty brief essays that offer "historical and conceptual information and perspectives" to aid in understanding Chaucer's works: J. A. Burrow, "What Was Chaucer Like?"; Andrew Galloway, "Chaucer's Life and Literary 'Profession'"; Jeremy J. Smith, "Chaucer's Linguistic Invention" and "Chaucer and London English"; Rhiannon Purdie, "Manuscripts and Manuscript Culture"; Wendy Scase, "Chaucer's Books" and "Chaucer's Competitors"; Mishtooni Bose, "Authority"; Ian Johnson, "Literary Theory and Literary Roles"; Ad Putter, "Metre and Versification"; Sarah James, "Dialogue"; Stephen H. A. Shepherd, "Romance"; Corinne Saunders, "Love"; Vincent Gillespie, "Chaucer and the Classics"; Stephanie A. Viereck Gibbs Kamath, "The French Context"; K. P. Clarke, "The Italian Tradition"; Marion Turner, "The English Context"; Tim William Machan, "Boethius"; Ryan Perry, "Chaucer's God"; Marlene Villalobos Hennessy, "Holiness"; Alastair Minnis, "Secularity"; Valerie Allen, "The Self "; Rosalynn Voaden, "Women"; Bruce Holsinger, "Sex and Lust"; Gillian Rudd, "Animals in Chaucer"; Nicholas Orme, "Childhood and Education"; Stephen Penn, "Philosophy"; Seb Falk, "The Medieval Universe"; Samantha Katz Seal, "Medicine and the Mortal Body"; Richard W. Ireland, "The Law"; Julian Luxford, "Art"; Richard Fawcett, "Architecture"; Katie Stevenson, "Heraldry, Heralds and Chaucer"; John H. Arnold, "Dissent and Orthodoxy"; Rob Lutton, "The Church, Religion and Culture"; Anne Curry, "England at Home and Abroad"; Anthony Bale, "Chaucer's Borders"; Chris Given-Wilson, "Rank and Social Orders"; Craig Taylor, "Chivalry"; Gwilym Dodd, "Chaucer and the Polity"; Christopher Dyer, "The Economy"; Mark Bailey, "Towns, Villages and the Land"; John J. Thompson, "Chaucer's London: A Psychogeography"; Wendy Childs, "Everyday Life"; Peter Fleming, "Household and Home"; Sally Dixon-Smith, "Marriage"; Laura F. Hodges, "Dress"; Robert J. Meyer-Lee, "The First Chaucerians: Reception in the 1400s"; Alex Davis, "The Reception of Chaucer in the Renaissance"; Bruce E. Graver, "The Reception of Chaucer from Dryden to Wordsworth"; David Matthews, "The Reception of Chaucer from the Victorians to the Twenty-First Century"; and Stephen Kelly, "Cyber-Chaucer." The volume includes an index and offers suggestions for further reading for each essay.

Burrow, J. A.
Galloway, Andrew
Smith, Jeremy J.
Purdie, Rhiannon
Scase, Wendy
Bose, Mishtooni
James, Sarah
Shepherd, Stephen H. A.
Saunders, Corinne
Gillespie, Vincent
Kamath, Stephanie A. Viereck Gibbs
Clarke, K. P.
Turner, Marion
Machan, Tim William
Perry, Ryan
Hennessy, Marlene Villalobos
Minnis, Alastair
Allen, Valerie
Voaden, Rosalynn
Holsinger, Bruce
Rudd, Gillian
Orme, Nicholas
Penn, Stephen
Falk, Seb
Seal, Samantha Katz
Ireland, Richard W.
Luxford, Julian
Fawcett, Richard
Stevenson, Katie
Arnold, John H.
Lutton, Rob
Curry. Anne
Bale, Anthony
Given-Wilson, Chris
Taylor, Craig
Dodd, Gwilym
Dyer, Christopher
Bailey, Mark
Thompson, John J.
Childs, Wendy
Fleming, Peter
Dixon-Smith, Sally
Hodges, Laura F.
Meyer-Lee, Robert J.
Davis, Alex
Graver, Bruce E.
Matthews, David
Kelly, Stephen

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Bibliographies, Reports, Reference
Chaucer's Life
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Language and Word Studies
Style and Versification
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion