Household Song in Chaucer's "Manciple's Tale."

Author / Editor
Stanbury, Sarah.

Household Song in Chaucer's "Manciple's Tale."

Glenn D. Burger and Rory C. Critten, eds. Household Knowledges in Late-Medieval England and France (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020), pp. 129-53.

Focuses on "household music" and the "intermingled melodies of birdsong and . . . musical instruments" in ManT. Argues that ManT can be analyzed as a "poignant record of the vibrant household world filled with music and song" that is connected to Chaucer's longing for an "alternative community after he left London."

Alternative Title
Household Knowledges in Late-Medieval England and France

Chaucer Subjects
Manciple and His Tale
Chaucer's Life