A New Companion to Chaucer.

Author / Editor
Brown, Peter, ed.

A New Companion to Chaucer.

Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2019.

Physical Description
xxi, 543 pp.; 16 b&w illus.

Revised edition of A Companion to Chaucer (2000) with thirty-six new and revised chapters: Candace Barrington and Jonathan Hsy, "Afterlives"; Andrew Galloway, "Auctorite"; Jane Griffiths, "Biography; Linda Ehrsam Voight, "Bodies"; Alfred Thomas, "Bohemia"; Derek Brewer and Barry Windeatt, "Chivalry"; Laura Kendrick, "Comedy"; Sarah McNamer, "Emotion"; Kathy Lavezzo, "Ethnicity"; Michael Hanrahan, "Flemings"; Michael Hanly, "France"; Caroline D. Eckhardt, "Genre"; Stephen H. Rigby, "Ideology"; David Wallace, "Italy"; David Burnley and Graham Williams, "Language"; Peter Guy Brown, "London"; Helen Phillips, "Love"; Robert R. Edwards, "Narrative"; Susanna Fein, "Other Thought-Worlds"; John M. Fyler, "Pagan Survivals"; Jenni Nuttall, "Patronage"; Lynn Staley, "Personal Identity"; Sebastian Sobecki, "Pilgrimage and Travel"; Nicholas Watson, "Religion"; James Simpson, "Richard II"; Irma Taavitsainen, "Science"; Marion Turner, "The Senses"; Masha Roskolnikov, "Sexualities"; Ryan Perry, "Sin"; Robert Swanson, "Social Structures"; John F. Plummer, "“Style"; Tim William Machan, "Texts"; Michael Van Dussen, "Things"; Roger Ellis, "Translation"; Sarah Stanbury, "Visualizing"; and Nicky Hallet, "Women." Like its predecessor, the volume includes discussions of key issues applied to passages from Chaucer's works, suggestions for further reading, and an index.

Barrington, Candace
Hsy, Jonathan
Galloway, Andrew
Griffiths, Jane
Voight, Linda Ehrsam
Thomas, Alfred
Brewer, Derek
Windeatt, Barry
Kendrick Laura
McNamer, Sarah
Lavezzo, Kathy
Hanrahan, Michael
Hanly, Michael
Eckhardt, Caroline D.
Rigby, Stephen H.
Wallace, David
Burnely, David
Williams, Graham
Brown, Peter Guy
Phillips, Helen Phillips
Edwards, Robert R.
Fein, Susanna
Fyler, John M.
Nuttall, Jenni
Staley, Lynn
Sobecki, Sebastian
Watson, Nicholas
Simpson, James
Taavitsainen, Irma
Turner, Marion
Roskolnikov, Masha
Perry, Ryan
Swanson, Robert
Plummer, John F.
Machan, Tim William
Van Dussen, Michael
Ellis, Roger
Stanbury, Sarah
Hallet, Nicky

Chaucer Subjects
Bibliographies, Reports, and Reference
Background and General Criticism
Chaucer's Life
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations