The Conceptual Construal of "Me Trouthe" in the "Canterbury Tales": The Juxtaposition of Chaucer's and Contemporary English Worldviews.

Author / Editor
Wawrzyniak, Agnieszka.

The Conceptual Construal of "Me Trouthe" in the "Canterbury Tales": The Juxtaposition of Chaucer's and Contemporary English Worldviews.

Danuta Gabrys-Barker, Dagmara Gałajda, Adam Wojtaszek, and Paweł Zakrajewski, eds. Multiculturalism, Multilingualism and the Self (Cham: Springer, 2017), pp. 49-61.

Describes uses of the lexemes "trouthe" and "soth" in CT, comparing them with "truth" in present-day English. Shows that, associated with love, light, and wisdom, Chaucer’s "trouthe" differs from his "soth": the former resides in an abstract semantic field, dealing with matters of fidelity and promises; the latter, with facticity.

Gabrys-Barker, Danuta, ed.
Gałajda, Dagmara, ed.
Wojtaszek, Adam, ed.
Zakrajewski, Paweł, ed.

Alternative Title
Multiculturalism, Multilingualism and the Self

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies