The Problem of John Metham's Prosody.

Author / Editor
Myklebust, Nicholas.

The Problem of John Metham's Prosody.

Ad Putter and Judith A. Jefferson, eds. The Transmission of Medieval Romance: Metres, Manuscripts and Early Prints (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2018), pp. 149-69.

Attributes the lack of critical attention to John Metham's "Amoryus and Cleopes" to its "prosodic eccentricity," demonstrating that it "does not descend from, and does not participate in, the transmission or reception of Chaucer's Anglicized hendecasyllable" as do works by Lydgate and Hoccleve.

Alternative Title
Transmission of Medieval Romance

Chaucer Subjects
Style and Versification
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion