"Heer Y die in thy presence": The Rewriting of Martyrs in and after Hoccleve.

Author / Editor
Perkins, Nicholas.

"Heer Y die in thy presence": The Rewriting of Martyrs in and after Hoccleve.

Review of English Studies 69, no. 288 (2018): 13–31.

Explores the reception and impact of Thomas Hoccleve in the sixteenth century, including the linking of him with Chaucer and proto-Protestant reform. Includes comments on paratextual materials in Speght's 1598 "Works of Chaucer" that pose the poet as a proto-Protestant, and argues that "the fact that Hoccleve's reputation was keyed to Chaucer meant that as the latter's religious affiliations were reframed to suit early modern priorities, so too were Hoccleve’s altered."

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations