Re-Novating Troy: Chrematistics, Imagination, and Hybrid Temporalities in Chaucer's Troy Stories.

Author / Editor
Keller, Wolfram R.

Re-Novating Troy: Chrematistics, Imagination, and Hybrid Temporalities in Chaucer's Troy Stories.

Diskursivierungen von Neuem 7 (2018): 1-23.

Argues that Chaucer’s "literary re-novation" of the Trojan source material, enacted in TC and theorized in HF, "is a matter of the purification and hybridization of foregoing traditions," terms derived from Bruno Latour. Explores the relations between literary "re-novation" and literary periodization, especially the putative break between medieval and modern, which, like other attempts to categorize, is an "illusion of authorized knowledge" and, more specifically, a result of the "deconstruction of narratives from contexts, especially temporal contexts."

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Troilus and Criseyde
House of Fame