Middle English Chaucer in Dryden's "Fables."

Author / Editor
Marshall, Simone Celine.

Middle English Chaucer in Dryden's "Fables."

Notes and Queries 264 (2019): 90-91.

Describes scholarly inattention to the Middle English texts of KnT, NPT, WBT, and The Flower and the Leaf in John Dryden's "Fables Ancient and Modern" (1700) "slightly edited" from Thomas Speght's 1598 edition. Observes that the texts are "the earliest copies of Chaucer in Middle English printed in roman typeface." See the editors’ correction of a detail in this essay: “Corrigenda,” N&Q 263 (2019): 610.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations