Parodies: An Anthology from Chaucer to Beerbohm--and After.

Author / Editor
Macdonald, Dwight, ed.

Parodies: An Anthology from Chaucer to Beerbohm--and After.

New York: Random House, 1960; London: Faber and Faber, 1961.

Physical Description
xxii, 574 pp.

A chronological and thematic anthology of literary parodies that opens with Pr-ThL, Th, and a section of Th-MelL in Middle English as examples of parody of romance, followed by an "Imitation of Chaucer" by Alexander Pope and "A Clerk Ther Was of Cauntebrigge Also" by W. W. Skeat.

Chaucer Subjects
Tale of Sir Thopas
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion