Chaucerian Humor.

Author / Editor
Edmondson, George.

Chaucerian Humor.

Studies in the Age of Chaucer 41 (2019): 73-105.

Reads the prologue to Th (Prioress-Thopas Link) psychoanalytically as a comic enactment of the internal economy of the self in which the ego (Chaucer) absorbs the "attentions" of the superego (the Host) "so thoroughly as to arrest them" and deflect "unpleasure." In turn, Th "deauthorize[s] the idea of superegoic power at the very site of its origin." Transformative Chaucerian humor resists suffering by deflating the power of the superego, the tyrant, and the "regimes of affective governance."

Chaucer Subjects
Tale of Sir Thopas