Spatial Configurations, Movement, and Identity in Chaucer's Romances.

Author / Editor
Scott, Anne.

Spatial Configurations, Movement, and Identity in Chaucer's Romances.

Albrecht Classen, ed. Travel, Time, and Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time: Explorations of World Perceptions and Processes of Identity Formation (Boston, Mass.: De Gruyter, 2018), pp. 379-423.

Explores what Chaucer's romances "say about . . . individuality and identity," interpreting spaces, movements, and characters' perception of them in KnT for how they "delimit" behaviors even though these limitations are disrupted by individual desires and actions. Also assesses key spaces in WBT (marriage bed), FranT (Brittany coast and garden entrance), SqT (falcon's "park"), and Th (thematic vacuum), and suggests that the topic can help in categorizing romances.

Classen, Albrecht, ed.

Alternative Title
Travel, Time, and Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time: Explorations of World Perceptions and Processes of Identity Formation.

Chaucer Subjects
Knight and His Tale
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Squire and His Tale
Franklin and His Tale
Tale of Sir Thopas