"How Do We Know He Really Raped Her?" Using the BBC "Canterbury Tales" to Confront Student Skepticism towards the Wife of Bath.

Author / Editor
Gulley, Allison.

"How Do We Know He Really Raped Her?" Using the BBC "Canterbury Tales" to Confront Student Skepticism towards the Wife of Bath.

Allison Gulley, ed. Teaching Rape in the Medieval Literature Classroom: Approaches to Difficult Texts (Amsterdam: Arc Humanities, 2018), pp. 113-27.

Ponders the complications and implications of discussing rape in modern classroom considerations of WBT, and recommends using the BBC television version of the tale to help raise and confront its inherent questions and values.

Alternative Title
Teaching Rape in the Medieval Literature Classroom

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Recordings and Films