Response to Carol L. Robinson, "Go Ask Alisoun: Geoffrey Chaucer and Deafland (Deafness as Authority).”

Author / Editor
Bradbury, Jill Marie, Geoffrey Clegg, Stephanie L. Kerschbaum,
Pamela Kincheloe, and Tonya Stremlau.

Response to Carol L. Robinson, "Go Ask Alisoun: Geoffrey Chaucer and Deafland (Deafness as Authority).”

Literature Compass 16.1 (2019): n.p.

A group of "deaf/Deaf/hard of hearing scholars with wide-ranging expertise in literary studies, rhetoric, disability studies, and Deaf Studies" express "deep reservations" about Robinson's essay.

Clagg, Geoffrey
Kerschbaum, Stephanie L.
Kincheloe, Pamela
Stremlau, Tonya

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism