Textual Face: Cognition as Recognition.

Author / Editor
Simpson, James.

Textual Face: Cognition as Recognition.

Helen M. Hickey, Anne McKendry, and Melissa Raine, eds. Contemporary Chaucer across the Centuries (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018), pp. 218-33.

Proposes as an epistemological and hermeneutical concept that "literary cognition is fundamentally a matter of re-cognition," exploring recognition as cognition in literary texts and in the apprehension of literary texts. Examines Virgil’s "Aeneid" as a precondition of recognition in Dante’s "Comedy," and Chaucer’s TC as a precondition of recognition in Henryson’s "Testament of Cresseid," in each case focusing on scenes of perception of a face or faces. Also comments generally on recognition as fundamental to literary pedagogy, in contrast with positivist thinking.

Alternative Title
Contemporary Chaucer across the Centuries.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
Troilus and Criseyde