"Have ye nat seyn somtyme a pale face?”

Author / Editor
Downes, Stephanie.

"Have ye nat seyn somtyme a pale face?”

Helen M. Hickey, Anne McKendry, and Melissa Raine, eds. Contemporary Chaucer across the Centuries (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018), pp. 74-90.

Studies the “narratological representation of the non-normative exemplarity of facial pallor" in Chaucer's poetry, exploring associations of facial paleness with facial expressions and emotional reactions, contrasting paleness with blushing, and commenting on gender emphases in examples drawn from BD, CT, and TC. Emphasizes the importance of readers’ familiarity with the phenomenon.

Alternative Title
Contemporary Chaucer across the Centuries.

Chaucer Subjects
Style and Versification
Book of the Duchess
Troilus and Criseyde
Canterbury Tales--General