Grandson in the World: From the Pays de Vaud to Edward III’s Court.

Author / Editor
Renevey, Denis.

Grandson in the World: From the Pays de Vaud to Edward III’s Court.

Medieval Translator/Traduire au Moyen Age 14 (2018): 363-77.

Clarifies the biography of Oton de Grandson (here "Othon"), particularly his role as "one of the leading knight-poets of his time," exploring how his status inflected his influence on other writers, including Chaucer. Chaucer's lower social status disallowed direct imitation of the suffering "I-voice" of courtly knight-poets, affecting the narratorial stance in BD, PF, and Ven (a "loose translation" of Oton’s “Cinq balades ensuyvans"). Also explores relations between the Valentine’s Day tradition in Oton and in Mars and PF.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Book of the Duchess
Parliament of Fowls
Complaint of Venus
Complaint of Mars