On the Edge: Chaucer and Gower's Queer Glosses.

Author / Editor
Magnani, Roberta, and Diane Watt.

On the Edge: Chaucer and Gower's Queer Glosses.

Postmedieval 9 (2018): 269-88.

Examines glosses of John Gower’s English text of "Confessio Amantis" and Chaucer’s CT, especially MLT, and claims that Chaucer and Gower "are acutely aware of the risks, and sometimes the pleasures, of misprision or queer (mis)interpretation" as they develop "ideas of authority" in their poetry.

Watt, Diane.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Man of Law and His Tale