The Findern Codex and the Blog In the Middle: Understanding Middle English Vernacular Manuscripts Through the Lens of Social Media in the Twenty-First

Author / Editor
Koppy, Kate.

The Findern Codex and the Blog In the Middle: Understanding Middle English Vernacular Manuscripts Through the Lens of Social Media in the Twenty-First

Karen Pratt, Bart Besamusca, Matthias Meyer, and Ad Putter, eds. The Dynamics of the Medieval Manuscript (Göttingen: V&R Academic, 2017), pp. 147-64.

Examines the arrangement and composition of two of the booklets of the Findern manuscript (Cambridge University Library, MS Ff.1.6) for the ways they may be seen as "the record of interactions within the community of readers and scribes who had access to it" (161), suggesting similarities with internet blogging. Includes comments on the location and presentation of several works by Chaucer: the legend of Thisbe from LGW, Anelida’s Complaint from Anel, and The Complaint of Venus.

Alternative Title
The Dynamics of the Medieval Manuscript.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Legend of Good Women
Anelida and Arcite
Complaint of Venus