Was Chaucer a Free Thinker?

Author / Editor
Loomis, Roger Sherman.

Was Chaucer a Free Thinker?

In MacEdward Leach, ed. Studies in Medieval Literature in Honor of Albert Croll Baugh (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1961), pp. 21-44.

Gauges the extent and depth of Chaucer's philosophical and theological skepticism in comparison with the views of some of his contemporaries--Wycliff, Langland, Gower, Julian of Norwich, and more. Identifies skeptical attitudes on free will, predestination, salvation of righteous heathens, the afterlife, and God's tolerance of evil in works such as TC, LGW, KnT, and FranT, and argues that they reflect Chaucer's sympathy for doubters of orthodoxy.

Alternative Title
Studies in Medieval Literature in Honor of Albert Croll Baugh

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Troilus and Criiseyde
Legend of Good Women
Knight and His Tale
Franklin and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations