Chaucer's Retraction: A Review of Opinion.

Author / Editor
Gordon, James D.

Chaucer's Retraction: A Review of Opinion.

In MacEdward Leach, ed. Studies in Medieval Literature in Honor of Albert Croll Baugh (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1961), pp. 81-96.

Surveys critics' attempts to correlate Ret with Chaucer's poetic accomplishments, commenting on biographical surmises, textual issues, and thematic concerns such as the putative waning of Chaucer's acuity, clerical influence, the firm linking of Ret and ParsT in the manuscripts, the theme of penance, and/or rejection of worldly attachments. The authenticity of Ret is generally accepted in modern criticism and the poem may reflect Chaucer's "anxiety" or an unresolved tension between his ascetic and humanistic inclinations.

Leach, MacEdward, ed.

Alternative Title
Studies in Medieval Literature in Honor of Albert Croll Baugh.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Retractions
Parson and His Tale
Manuscripts and Textual Studies